Where to publish the paper?
April 4, 2018Goals of paper writing
April 4, 2018
The readers..
Editors and the reviewers look for...
- Article content that is appropriate in scope and level
- Original material that is clearly written
-- And that addresses a new and important problem
- Extension of a previously published work
- Valid methods used and justification
- Illustrations, tables, and graphs supporting the text
- References that are recent and relevant to the subject
The working of the review process
- The chief editor receives the paper and checks for content match (authenticate) and banned author
- If paper falls in scope of the journal it is assigned to an editor (associate editor)
- Editor assigns the paper to the reviewers (5 or more for IEEE journal)
- Reviewers send their comments back to the editor
- Editor makes recommendation to the chief editor as follows:
- Accept
- Revise and Resubmit
- Reject
- The chief editor makes the final decision and informs the corresponding author
Read the reviews carefully..
- Only few (5-10 %) are accepted in first submission itself
- And usually they are only accepted subject to revision
- Anything aside from simply reject is a positive review - Neal-Barnett
- These include
- Accept: Which almost nobody gets
- Accept with revision: Just make some minor changes
- Revise and resubmit: They're still interested in you!
- Reject and resubmit: Though not as good as revise and resubmit, they still want the paper!
- Read every criticism as a positive suggestion for something you could explain more clearly.
Rejection of papers:
- Content not ok for publication
- Presence of serious scientific flaws
- Inconclusive results
- Incorrect interpretation
- Fraudulent research
- Paper poorly written
- Does not address a big enough problem or advance the scientific field
- Has previously published work
- Quality not good enough for the journal
- Reviewers have misunderstood the article
Concept of the paper
- Before writing we should know what we have to write
- Outline the concept
- Written plan of the organization of the paper
- Jot down the section headings, figures