UG (BE) Projects
We provide complete guidance and solutions for final year engineering projects in Pune at different stages to enhance the quality of the research work and to promote graduate students for engaging themselves in research oriented projects.
Framing the Problem
We assist the students to frame the problem statement for carrying out the project.
We assist in providing the options for pursuing the research project.
A. Industry Sponsored Project: We and/or our partner companies provide sponsorship to novel ideas.
B. Project as an Entrepreneur: If the student would like to create a product on the basis of his unique approach then we do provide assistance to flourish his career as an entrepreneur and to file patent for the novel idea.
C. Internal Project:If the students have been assigned the projects from their respective institutes then we assist them to choose the right methodology to pursue those research oriented projects.
D. Solution to Research Problem as a Project:If the student would like to provide optimized or better solution to the existing problem then we assist in identifying the problem and the methodology to carry out the research project.
Literature Review
We provide guidance to the students how they can review state-of-the-art work in the area of their proposed research project.
- The approach to cover earlier to latest review papers is suggested
- We help students to collect all the relevant papers and shortlist at least 10 best papers which they can refer to support their project idea
- We do assist the students in making comparison of the existing approaches with their proposed project ideas
Submission of synopsis
We help students for writing synopsis
- To identify whether problem is NP-complete, NP-hard or P type
- Problem statement feasibility check
- Testing of problem statement using generated test data, mathematical models and function testing principles
- Preparation of Synopsis with problem definition, literature survey, platform choice and SRS
- Guidance for preparing UML diagrams
- Guidance for using scientific language
- Assistance for correcting grammatical mistakes
- Preliminary review on synopsis by experts
Project Work Compliance
- We assist the students to carry out their project work in our research lab
- We help the students in learning soft computing techniques, machine learning algorithms, frameworks like AngularJS, NodeJS frameworks and Tenserflow
- We do provide hands-on training if needed
- We assist students to select test tools and generating testing result charts.
Final project report
Our technical writers assist the students to prepare the project report in prescribed format.
PG (ME) Projects
We provide complete guidance and solution for Post graduates projects in Pune at the following stages:
Stage –I
- Identification of research problem
- Suggestion for research methodology with respect to the problem statement
- Assistance in UML diagrams and other documentation
- Preparation of article in preliminary stage
Stage –II
- Selection of research design and technology to be used
- UML implementations
- Testing of hypothesis, Results and performance of the proposed approach
- Preparation of the dissertation.