PhD Research Proposal

To write a proposal is an art. We assist in identifying the novelty in your proposed research idea. The proposed idea is compared with the state-of-the-art work. We then assist in highlighting the problems and limitations of current techniques already proposed by others.

We also help the researcher to identify how his proposed research idea can overcome the limitations in the existing work and to highlight the significance and application of the proposed idea.

The general format of the Research Proposal is given below:

  • Title (followed by names and affiliations)
    The research title depicts the research problem you are going to address. We facilitate to finalize the title which should be neither too long nor too short.
  • Abstract (followed by Key Words)
  • Introduction (include Literature Review)
  • Your Proposed Technique/Method
  • Proposal Methodology
  • Application and significance of the proposed research work
  • Results (Preliminary)
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion (indicating potential of your proposed research work)

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