We provide guidance for research in the following areas.
Computer Science and Information Technology.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Image Processing
- Bio – Informatics
- Grid Computing
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Data Mining
- Computer Architecture & Engineering
- Biosystems & Computational Biology
- Database Management Systems
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Operating Systems & Networking
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Mobile Computing
- Network Security
- Managing technology & innovation
- Marketing
- Resources management & sustainable development
- Information Technology
- Social entrepreneurship
- Corporate responsibility, ethics & accountability
- Accounting & finance
- HR Topics
- Evolutionary techniques
- Fuzzy Logics
- Swarm intelligence techniques
- Clever algorithms
- Deep learning using neural networks
- Heuristic algorithms
- Probabilistic techniques
- Non probabilistic methods
- Multi-objective optimization techniques
- Machine learning algorithms
- Prediction Methods
- Multi- attribute decision making techniques
- Forecasting methods
- Cluster Analysis
- Descriptive statistics
- Diagnostic tests
- Correlation and regression
- Forecasting
- Item Analysis
- Meta-Analysis
- Method Comparison
- Mixed Models
- Multivariate Analysis
- Nonparametric
- Operations Research
- Proportions
- Quality Control
- Reference Intervals
- Regression
- Reliability
- ROC Curves
- Survey Data
- Survival Analysis
- Time Series
- T-Tests
- Curve fitting
- Multivariate Analysis
- Survey Data
- Time Series
- Graphic Procedures
The research title depicts the research problem you are going to address. We facilitate to finalize the title which should be neither too long nor too short. The aptitude to develop a good research topic is an essential skill. Your supervisor may assign you a specific topic, but most often supervisors require you to finalize the topic of your research based on your interest. For deciding on a topic and formulating the thesis statement, we facilitate in the followings:
- Brainstorming of your ideas
- Understanding the State-of-the-art
- Defining research topic as a focused research question
- Formulating the Thesis or dissertation Statement
- Defining the scope of your research work
- Face to face interaction
- Video conferencing
- Telephonic interaction
- Online Chatting
We provide insights for making the thesis substantial, supportable, precise, arguable and relevant. Thesis normally represents report on a research study carried out by the candidate. The structure of a thesis explains the objectives behind the study, the sate-of-the-art work which impinges on the topic of the study, the research design used and the findings of the research work.
We assist the candidates to write the thesis in an effective manner so that they can explain the contribution and significance of their research work and we enable the candidates to narrate the entire thesis like a story which starts with problem statement and ends with conclusions.